Tax and Statutory Reporting
Reporting of offshore entities is often done in the GAAP of the owning company (e.g. US GAAP) whilst tax and statutory reporting needs to be reported in local GAAP.
Calculation of the actual tax figure is often based on the wrong figure (foreign GAAP) and deferred taxes are often wrong, out of date or simply ignored.
Good tax planning requires a good base. Without knowing the current situation it is difficult to make the right decisions going forward.
Roger Moore Solutions, together with partners across Europe and the rest of the world, can manage a one-stop shop that can solve all of these issues for as many of your entities as required.• Monthly or quarterly conversion from foreign to local GAAP.
• Monthly or quarterly corporate income tax position.
• VAT returns.
• At year end the preparation of statutory financial statements and final corporate tax return.
• Filing of statutory reports with local authorities.
• Reconciliation of foreign GAAP and local GAAP figures.
• Deal with correspondence with local fiscal authorities.
• Other related issues such as withholding tax returns, certificates.
• Meet or beat deadlines.